Sunday, July 4, 2010

Pointers to pointers,and arrays and strings I

  1. the value stored (rvalue) and the address (lvalue) at which the value is stored and the name(variable name) which is mapped(in symbol table) to this address
  2. variable for storing lvalue i.e. address is “pointer”
  3. address of operator is ‘&’ , to get the address of any variable
  4. dereferencing operator is ‘*’ , to get the value which the pointer variable is pointing
  5. pointer arithmetic involves modifying address 
    1. so for a char* cptr saying cptr + 1, will increment the address by one (sizeof char)
    2. for a int* iptr saying iptr + 1, will increment the address by four (sizeof int) 
  6. array (contiguous memory allocation) indexing works because of pointer arithmetic 
  7. int array[] { 1,2}, “array” (pointing to first address of the contiguous memory allocated) is constant
  8. in C (as mentioned in K&R II) “object is a named region of storage, and a lvalue is an expression referring to the object”
  9. arrays can be called as un-modifiable lvalue
  10. iptr = &array[0] , and iptr = array , both means the same according to the C standard, which give rise to the confusion that array is a pointer
  11. remember we cant do array = iptr (because “array” is a constant, un-modifiable lvalue)
  12. variables are in data segment and constants are in code segment
  13. name of the variable can be interpreted in two ways
    1. when used on the left side of the assignment operator, for compiler its a memory location
    2. when used on the right side, for compiler it means the content stored at the memory location
  14. as “array” is actually array[0] (address of the first element), the compiler puts this address in the code segment, and uses it whenever it sees iptr =  array in the code.
  15. nul” is ‘\0’ character and NULL is macro (in stdio.h)
  16. void *vptr is a generic pointer, and any type of pointer can be compared with the void pointer
  17. in C string is an array of characters with nul (‘\0’) to mark the end
  18. while(*dest++ = *src++), does three things, in sequence
    1. copy the data src is pointing to dest
    2. increment dest and src
    3. check if the dest is true (‘\0’ is false), and continues the loop
  19. array[i] is same as *(iptr + i), this doesn't mean array and pointers are same, both will identify the same value
  20. “while(dest[i] = src[i++]);” can be written as “while(i[dest] = i++[src]);”
1: #include <stdio.h>
3: int main(int argc, char **argv)
4: {
5:   int j = 1;
6:   int k = 2;
7:   int *ptr = &k;
8:   int array[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,'\0'}; 
9:   int index = 0;
10:   printf("value at j is %d, address of j is %p \n",j,&j);
11:   printf("value at k is %d, address of k is %p \n",k,&k);
12:   printf("value(address stored) at ptr is %p, address of ptr is %p \n",ptr,&ptr);
13:   printf("ptr is pointing to value %d\n",*ptr);
14:   printf("sise of ptr is %d \n",sizeof ptr);
16:   while(array[index] != '\0')
17:     printf("%d ",array[index++]);
19:   printf("\n");
21:   ptr = &array[0];
23:   while(*ptr)
24:     printf("%d ",*ptr++);
26:   printf("\n");
28:   ptr = array;//same as ptr = &array[0]
30:   for(index = 0 ; index < 10; index++)
31:   {
32:     //printf("ptr + %d = %d \n",index,*(ptr + index));
33:     printf("ptr + %d = %d \n",index,*ptr++);
34:     //printf("ptr + %d = %d \n",index,*(++ptr));
35:   }
37:   char *cptr = NULL;
38:   void *vptr;
39:   long *lptr;
40:   double *dptr;
42:   printf("size of vptr is %d \n",sizeof vptr);
43:   printf("size of lptr is %d \n",sizeof lptr);
44:   printf("size of dptr is %d \n",sizeof dptr);
45:   printf("size of cptr is %d \n",sizeof cptr);
47:   char *pmname, *puname;//variables
48:   char mname[] = "my name is just a name";//constant
49:   char uname[80] = "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890";//constant
51:   pmname = mname;
52:   puts(mname);
53:   puts(pmname);
54:   puname = uname;
55:   puts(uname);
56:   puts(puname);
57:   while(*puname++ = *pmname++);//fist copy then increment then check for true
58:   puts(uname);
59:   pmname = uname;
61:   while(*pmname)
62:   {
63:     printf("%c \t",*pmname);//character value at pa 
64:     printf("%d \t",*pmname);//ascii value at pa
65:     printf("%p \t",&pmname);//cant modify, 
66:     printf("%p \n",pmname);//the address which is stored at pmname
67:     pmname++;
68:   };
69:     printf("%c \t",*pmname);//character value at pa 
70:     printf("%d \t",*pmname);//ascii value at pa
71:     printf("%p \t",&pmname);//cant modify, 
72:     printf("%p \n",pmname);//the address which is stored at pmname
74:   printf("hello world\n");
75:   getchar();
76:   return 0;
77: }

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