Wednesday, June 23, 2010

UML Class Diagram

  1. static view of the model
  2. describes what the class attributes (data) are, and also the behavior in terms of
    1. how to use (create, modify) the data
    2. what are the messages the class understand
    3. operations appropriate for each message
  3. very good at depicting
    1. relationship among the classes and interfaces
    2. generalization
      • inheritance
      • base-derived
      • type-of relationship
    3. aggregation
      • lighter aggregation
      • stronger composition
      • whole-part relationship
    4. association
      • connections
      • have-a relationship
      • cardinality, whether the association is compulsory or not
      • modality, how many instances of class “A” for a given instance of class “B” when class “A” and “B” are in association (zero, one or many)
      • role, each class has with respect to the other class in the association

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